Thank you for showing interest in our campaign and the future of House District 20. With your support, we can continue to drive positive changes and focus on the important issues that affect us all.
As someone who deeply cares about our community, I am committed to being a voice that truly represents us in Florida's House of Representatives. But to get on the ballot, I need your help.
Would you be willing to request a petition to help qualify me as a candidate? It’s a simple but powerful way to make a difference!
Jamie Watts
Candidate for Florida House District 20
📬 How it Works:
Request the Petition: Use the form below to request a petition(s).
We Mail It To You: We'll mail you the petition along with a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope.
Sign and Send: Simply fill out and sign the petition and put it in the provided return envelope. The postage is already paid, so you can simply drop it in your nearest mailbox.
By doing this, you are playing an invaluable role in shaping the future of our district. We appreciate your participation and support in this democratic process.
Political Ad Paid for and Approved by Jamie Watts, Republican for House District 20